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These days the equity release schemes uk are far different from the earlier days. At the present the Financial Services Authority of UK regulates heavily the functioning of equity release companies especially their schemes of lifetime mortgages as well as the total or partial sale of the residential property commonly known as the home reversion plans. In fact each of these companies providing the Lifetime Mortgage plans as well as the schemes of Home Reversion, their agents and independent entire of the advisers in the financial market all nowadays comes under the regime of UK strict observance.
Complaint procedure and compensation schemes are introduced to help out several customers A lot of advisers possibly will feel the rules and policies are exaggerated and more like the tack hammer to break a nut. On the other hand the potential consumers at the present have much more serenity of mind compared to earlier time. Now the individuals looking forward to opt for such equity release schemes uk know that they are going to get fair treatment. Furthermore they are acquainted with the fact that equity release companies will now be unable to cheat or hide anything from them as if they are found guilty of getting involved in such activity can welcome hazards for them. The regulatory authority has set up procedure of complaint as well as schemes of compensation to help out the consumers and safeguard them from the scrupulous activity of the providers of equity and provide them with justice and what they actual deserve.
These days several good equity release schemes uk has been introduced in the financial market. The chief monetary institutions are busy in launching new and innovative schemes to assist the individuals standing at the verge of retirement or those who have already retired form their works. All of these plans have built-in safety features and all of these plans are introduced in the market to help aged citizens in maintaining their standard of living steadily even after their retirement. The equity release companies understand how it becomes troublesome to meet even the basic needs for the aged individuals after retirement with the little money they receive as their pension, this is why they always attempt to lend out a hand to these senior people and show them the light of hope by giving a source of regular earning.
Competent equity release consultants should at the moment necessarily exhibit their capability by passing qualified assessment related to equity release plans. In addition to this these individuals are incessantly monitored and need to necessarily comply with the regulations